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Are structural molecular difference between the Red and Blue UV Pigments?

Are structural molecular difference between the Red and Blue UV Pigments?

Recently, we receive many similar questions from our customer who ask like below :

"Hi Michael, our client is asking is the a structural molecular difference between the Red and Blue UV Pigments? 

The answer is that it depends, simply can be understood as below:

1.For same type of Fluorescent pigment, the structural molecular of resin for different colors are same; and the structural molecular of dye are different for different colors among the same type seires

2.For different type of fluorescent pigment, the structural molecular of resin and dye are totally different.

We hope above information would be helpful,if you have any other question

for neon Fluorescent pigment, please don't hesitate to let us know soon.

Are structural molecular difference between the Red and Blue UV Pigments?