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Hydrochromic ink – can we add crosslinking agents for this?

Hydrochromic – can we add crosslinking agents for this. If so how much. This is to improve washing fastness. Can we add colour emulsions for this inks. If so how much %

ASD:  Yes, you can also add water-based clear crosslinking agents for Hydrochromic ink, the adding ratio suggested not too much, which you also could consult with the supplier.

If you have the interests, you can try to add other kind of water-based colour emulsions in Hydrochromic ink, according to our experience, the test result seems not very good, but as different people have their own way, anyway you can try, the suggested adding ratio please refer to as follows:

1) For light color: About 1000g Hydrochromic ink with 1g colour emulsions

2) For darker color: About 1000g Hydrochromic ink with 0.8g colour emulsion

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
